Our girls often have less access to or knowledge about opportunities for personal and professional development. Lack of experience often translates to low self-confidence when facing challenges. Mentorship gives our girls a role model, a confidante, a sounding board; someone they can look up to and lean on. Our girls can learn from their mentors’ experiences and make more informed choices. Additionally, exposure helps youth understand that the world is a big place full of diverse people and customs.
Early childhood education and literacy are critical components in any child’s academic development and factor into their future career options and economic stability, as well as health and social opportunities. The academic-achievement gap for students, families and communities of color is a pervasive issue in the United States, ultimately producing economic and social inequities. Literacy has long been used as a means of social control and oppression, originating in the longstanding issues of racism and discrimination throughout the U.S. because of anti-literacy laws targeting Blacks, pre- and post-Civil War.
Diversity comes in many forms: gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, age, culture, socioeconomic background, etc. All of these identities contribute to an individual’s unique experience of the world. Exposing youth to diverse experiences is a great way to promote open thinking and foster resiliency. By exposing youth to different lifestyles and different perspectives, they begin to understand that there are varieties of ways to think and feel. These experiences include college tours, guest speaker engagements, black heritage centered events, and the arts.